Lab_13 Irchester is 10 years old!

It’s Lab_13 Irchester’s Birthday! For our 10th Birthday Party, we’re celebrating the FUTURE! We usually have a week of fun science, but this time that’s not long enough so we’re celebrating all next term with a futuristic 3D printer! We’re borrowing one from Create Education for the whole term, which means every single child in the school will be able to design and print their own keyring: year 6 have already started.

We have been finding out about how the lab started, and want to tell you some interesting facts about the lab. The lab’s name came from an art group that was called studio_13, so then we decided to use the 13 but make it about science: so it’s called lab_13! The lab was created in 2011 thanks to a group called Ignite!, who gave the school some money to build the lab, and get a scientist. Rick Hall and Mrs Tyrrell worked very hard to set up the lab, and the first scientist was Miss Hogan, then Miss Draper joined lab_13 in 2015!

Miss Draper has collected some photos from the whole 10 years of the lab, which we have tuned into a giant timeline. It’s really cool to see so much that has happened in the lab over the last 10 years, and now we’re excited to see what happens in the next 10 years. Have a look below to see our timeline!

We also got in touch with a few of the old committee members. It was lovely to hear what they’re doing now: one is planning to become a teacher, and another said he wished he could come and join the committee again. We’d love to hear from any other people who have fond memories of lab_13 Irchester!

By the lab_13 Committee

Marsella, Libby, Zach, Matthew, Kane, Reece, Max and Leon

About lab13network

Lab_13 is a space in a school managed by pupils for pupils to conduct their own research and experiments driven by their curiosity, imagination and enthusiasm, and under the watchful supervision of a Scientist in Residence (not a teacher!!).
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