Science Sculptures Trail in Irchester

DSCN7649Today, we invited people from the community to come on our sculpture trail. As you know, we have several science sculptures and projects that combine arts, science and play around the school. Our Science Sculptures will hopefully help us get the Primary Science Quality Mark. Our visitors investigated the Giant Bug Hotel and The Forces SeeSaw, played music on the Musical Tubes, felt like celebrities with our touchy Feely Boxes, spotted BirdCity and learnt about the renewable energies available to Irchester. DSCN7657

Everybody enjoyed the tour and gave great feedback. Ebony really enjoyed showing BirdCity to the visitors to the Wildlife Area. Jack enjoyed playing on Year 1’s Forces See Saw.

We had a quiz based on the science behind our sculptures for the visitors. Because several people had the same score, we needed a tie breaker. So, we asked for the funniest answer to “Why isn’t the Dads Club’s project

finished yet?”. The Dads are still working on the bottle greenhouse! Congratulations to the winner who wrote “Dads are too busy emptying the bottles of beer.” although, it was almost a tie with  “Because Dads can’t multitask!”

About lab13network

Lab_13 is a space in a school managed by pupils for pupils to conduct their own research and experiments driven by their curiosity, imagination and enthusiasm, and under the watchful supervision of a Scientist in Residence (not a teacher!!).
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